We can all use a little extra cheer and maybe a little creative therapy during this time. My intent here is that you use this as additional inspiration to what others are doing on Instagram with the hashtag #betterdaysahead, and that you participate with what you have on hand at home. I am constantly doing crafty things and therefore I have a lot of craft supplies on hand. I had everything I needed to do this project already. Get creative with what you have, I bet that you have something at your house already that will allow you to make something with this saying to either wear or display in a window. Let's create!
Don't forget to tag @kaitlinlairdphoto so I can see what you made and I can share with others!
Let's get started:
Start off by following the link at the bottom to download and print off my free printable template. I have included two sizes, one for onesies and smaller items and one for youth sized shirts. I have also included a page that you can print and color or use to do a slightly larger item.

Make your item! Like I said, I happened to have all of these items at home. Use what you can find! I used white t-shirts I had intended for a different project (any solid colored blank shirt or onesie would work great!), a paint marker (permanent marker works, just iron it after to set it in and let it dry for a day before washing), and acrylic paints (they came out a little stiff but the kids don't seem to mind). Put the template under your fabric item of choice or freehand it for larger items using the template as a guide. See tips below on holding fabric tight. Use paint, markers, embroidery thread, or whatever you have on hand to make the rainbow and then trace over the letters.
It's so much fun to make a rainbow using colors you already have, it makes this project unique to you! I used the same two first colors for my daughter and my sons, then I did pink for the last on one and green for the boys.
The embroidery hoop that I got to make stockings (still need to make those), came in very handing to keep the fabric tight to keep the design clean and from touching the fabric on the

back of the shirt and bleeding through. Another great option would be a piece of cardboard from the recycling bin that is cut to be larger than your image, place it inside the t-shirt and then pull the fabric tight around it and clip or pin it in place.
I've said it before and I'll say it at least one more time, get creative and use what you have! I know all of you parents of babies have a white onesie laying around. What about an old white t-shirt from dad's closet? If it has holes in it or is dingy in the pits, cut out the main section and use it to make a banner or flag to hang in the window. What about a flour sack towel? A painting drop cloth or old pillowcase. I've seen people simply just doing it with chalk on their driveways and sidewalks.
Post a picture of it and tag me so I can see what you came up with! Comment below with more ideas of household items to use to help others out!
